Business administration is a broad field of study and includes all aspects of overseeing business operations.
In order to give you a better idea of courses offered in a business administration degree, check the curriculum of our own bachelor programme.
Business courses that cover topics such as:
- innovation
- operations & supply chain management
- human resources and organisational theory
- marketing & sales
- information technology and data management
- finance & accounting
- strategy & management
are all generally considered to be relevant when applying for the MSc programmes offered by RSM. Please note that the course itself must be focused on business administration.
Ultimately the RSM Admissions Office will decide whether the courses you have completed during your studies match the admissions requirements of the MSc programme you're applying for.
We can only give you accurate advice regarding your academic credentials by checking your academic transcripts which you submit as a part of the application process.
For this reason, we encourage you to simply go ahead and apply for admission.