If you haven't got your high school diploma yet when you apply, you need to provide something called a 'diploma statement.' This paper helps us understand how your school grades you and what diploma you're going to get. It also tells us which classes you're taking for your final exams.

If you already have your diploma, you don't need this statement.

International students:

If you're from another country and won't get a Dutch VWO diploma, use the non-Dutch diploma statement.

You can download the diploma statement hereAsk your school counselor or someone from your school to fill it out on a computer, then print it, and get it signed and stamped by your school.

Finally, scan the document and upload it to OLAF when you apply. 

Dutch VWO students:

If you´re getting a Dutch VWO diploma, ask your school to fill out the standard 5-VWO grade list. 

Your application will be evaluated based on the grades you obtained during 5-VWO. 

Download the standard grade list template here. Then, ask your school to fill it out on a computer, print it, and sign it. Your school also needs to put a stamp and a signature on it.

Lastly, scan the document and upload it to OLAF when you apply. Please make sure to also upload your official 5-VWO grade list along with the completed grade list template. The RSM Admissions Office requires both the standard grade list template and your original 5 VWO transcript.

If your school has any questions, show them this FAQ.

How should your school fill in the grades: 

"Van belang is dat jouw onderwijsinstelling alle cijfers van jouw 5-vwo overgangsrapport invult bij de vakken die voor jou van toepassing zijn en waar jij eindexamen in doet. Het gaat dus niet om eerder afgeronde vakken (bijvoorbeeld 3-vwo vakken). Ook mag jouw onderwijsinstelling cijfers die behaald zijn in 6-vwo niet meenemen. 

Herkansingen van 5-vwo vakken mogen wel meegerekend worden, mits deze onder het 5-vwo overgangsrapport vallen. De cijfers moeten worden afgerond op 1 decimaal achter de komma, volgens de afrondingsregels die jouw school hanteert. Wanneer een vak al succesvol is afgerond met het eindexamen, kijk dan op de website van de opleiding welk cijfer je moet aanleveren, het 5-vwo eindcijfer of het al behaalde eindexamencijfer. "

Source: The VO-raad, in collaboration with the Universities of the Netherlands and BiOND, has devised a standardized format for submitting grades to programs that involve a Numerus Fixus selection process.