The IBA programme is offered as a truly international programme. The international dimension of IBA can be seen in multiple fields. The main learning outcome of the programme is the competence of or graduates to successfully function as a manager in internationally operating firms.

This goal is achieved in many ways:

  • we teach in English;
  • a considerable number of courses focuses on the international dimension of the area studied;
  • a stay abroad is highly recommended for all of our students, either through an international exchange, an international internship or an international study trip;
  • in many courses, students will need to work in internationally composed teams, enhancing their skills in this field;
  • the IBA programme has a selective admission, to guarantee that sufficient diversity within the student population is created. The programme is proud that each year students from 40 different nationalities start with us;
  • teaching staff is international
  • we value language competence, by facilitating students taking language electives during studies.